Daily Resolution

I like the idea of New Year’s Resolutions, but in the past they haven’t given me much of a chance to get anywhere. I would often create a goal or a ‘forever’ statement, knowing full well that it would probably peter out over the next couple of months.

I would often set goals too high and usually base them on this ‘ideal self’ that lived somewhere in the future. I would then get very disappointed when I missed them and this sense of failure would fit snugly into my ‘not ever quite good enough’ image of myself.

This year (or, in fact any day upon which I wish to set it) my resolution is to live each day more fully and more in contact with life, and with a sense of curiosity.

This is an intention rather than a goal. Intentions often align more easily with our values and so are more fulfilling. Also, I have learned not to beat myself up (see my inner critic post) if I have a ‘bad’ day…after all, I can set my intention again tomorrow.


Journelling ‘How To’


The Story of the Boy and his Horse