The Self-Critic

Do you find yourself beating yourself up because you’ve not done something quite the way you wanted? Is there a voice inside saying negative things?

Many people have inner ‘voices’ and, once given attention, can deciper between different voices, including, most often, a self-critic.

This is normal, so don’t worry about having different voices inside.

Often the self-critic is formed because there was some benefit in the past to it being there. It might have been part of a strategy to ensure you did well enough, or completed whatever task it is you were intent on completing. However, the self-critic can also be destructive, resulting in debilitating self-talk and lowering self-worth.

Noticing how we talk to ourselves can be the first step in addressing it. Try talking kindly to yourself and offering compassion next time you hear yourself say something critical or negative. Then notice how it feels. It’s not easy to change self-talk quickly, but once you start noticing it, you’re on the way.


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