Let’s Be Present

Being present, in the moment with no judgement is the basis of mindfulness. So often our minds travel forwards to the future or back to the past whilst we concern ourselves with things that we either cannot change, or cannot predict.

Staying in the present moments allows our thinking mind to take a break and allows us to experience how life is right now… which believe it or not, can be quite extraordinary.

Perhaps try it by really focusing all your senses on something simple you are doing, like the coffee you’re drinking - the temperature, smell, taste, any shadows cast by the mug. Or when you are next outside look up to the clouds and notice the colours and shapes and the temperature of the air around you, any smells that are present.

Animals don’t have a problem with this - they are always in the present moment. They are not worrying about what might happen tomorrow or what they did yesterday… we can learn a lot from them.


The Self-Critic

